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HTML Event Attributes
The onstorageevent is a key component of the Web Storage API
, designed to detect changes made to the localStorage
or sessionStorage
objects. This event is triggered whenever a storage
item is modified, added, or deleted in one browser window
or tab and is visible to other windows or tabs of the same origin. It enables real-time synchronization of data across multiple browser contexts.
Window Event Attributes
Attributes | Description |
onafterprint | Fires after the document has started printing or the print dialog box has been closed. |
onbeforeprint | Fires before the document is about to be printed. |
onbeforeunload | Fires when the document is about to be unloaded. |
onerror | Fires when an error occurs during loading of an external file (e.g., images or scripts). |
onhashchange | Fires when the anchor part of the URL has changed. |
onload | Fires when the page has finished loading. |
onmessage | Fires when a message is received through an event source (e.g., WebSocket or iframe). |
onoffline | Fires when the browser starts working offline. |
ononline | Fires when the browser starts working online. |
onpagehide | Fires when the user navigates away from a webpage. |
onpageshow | Fires when the user navigates to a webpage. |
onpopstate | Fires when the active history entry changes (e.g., when the user clicks the back or forward button). |
onresize | Fires when the browser window is resized. |
onstorage | Fires when a Web Storage area is updated (e.g., localStorage or sessionStorage). |
onunload | Fires once a page is unloaded (or the browser window is closed). |
HTML Attributes | Global Attributes | Event Attributes |
To view the full list | To view the full list | To view the full list |
elements | |||||
onstorage | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
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