Introduction to <applet>tags

The <applet>tag in HTML was utilized for embedding Java applets (small Java programs) into web pages. This tag was deprecated in HTML 4.01 due to security concerns and compatibility issues and it has been entirely removed in HTML5. Current HTML standards suggest using the <embed>and <object>tags for embedding multimedia content. It's important to note that these tags do not directly substitute Java applets. Furthermore, most modern browsers no longer support Java applets, even with additional plugins, rendering the <applet>tag essentially outdated.

Warning: do not use <applet>element as it is deprecated and no longer supported in HTML5. Consider using alternatives like the <embed>or <object>elements for embedding content based on your requirements.

  • Java Applets and plug-ins are unsupported in the majority of browsers.
  • ActiveX controls are no longer compatible with any browsers.
  • Modern browsers have disabled support for Shockwave Flash.

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