Introduction to <basefont>tag

The <basefont>tag in HTML was used in earlier versions of HTML to set a default <font-size>, <color>, and face for the text within a webpage. It provided a way to define the base font properties for all text elements that followed the <basefont>tag. This tag helped <developers>apply a consistent text style across their entire document without needing to specify font <attributes>on each individual element.

Warning: The <basefont>tag is <deprecated>and should not be used in modern web development and it's no longer supported in HTML5 and has been removed from web standards. Instead of this you can use CSS to control <font styles>and <sizes>for a more flexible and robust solution.

This feature has been deprecated and is no longer part of the modern HTML standards, while it may still work in some browsers for backward compatibility its use is discouraged as support may be dropped at any time and leading to broken or inconsistent styling, developers should avoid using it and update existing code to utilize CSS for text styling and refer to compatibility tables to ensure proper usage of supported HTML elements and CSS properties.

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