Introduction to <em>tag

The <em>tag in HTML is used to emphasize text. This tag is a semantic element, meaning it conveys meaning and importance to the text it surrounds, not just visual styling. When a browser encounters the <em>tag, it typically renders the enclosed text in italics to visually indicate the emphasis. However, the primary purpose of the <em>tag is to denote stress or importance in the content, which can also be picked up by screen readers and assistive technologies, enhancing accessibility.

Key Features of the <em>Tag

Semantic Emphasis: The <em>tag adds semantic meaning to the text, indicating that it should be read with emphasis. This is particularly useful for screen readers, which may alter their tone to emphasize the text, aiding visually impaired users.

Default Styling: By default, the text inside an <em>tag is rendered in italics by most browsers. This default styling can be customized using CSS to match the design requirements of a website while retaining the semantic meaning.

Nesting of Emphasis: You can nest <em>tags within each other or use them alongside other emphasis-related tags, such as <strong>. When nested, the inner <em>tag typically indicates a higher level of emphasis or a different type of stress, such as a change in tone or context.

SEO Benefits: Proper use of semantic tags like <em>can benefit SEO. Search engines recognize the <em>tag and may consider the emphasized content more important, potentially giving it more weight in search results.

Accessibility Considerations: The <em>tag helps improve web accessibility by providing meaningful emphasis that screen readers can interpret. This helps ensure that all users, regardless of ability, can fully understand the content.

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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>title of <em> tag</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
  <h1>Levoric Learn : <em> tag</h1>
<div class="container">
  <p>Welcome to our <em>modern</em> website example. We showcase how to use the <em><em></em> tag to add emphasis to key text elements.</p>
  <h2>Usage of <em><em></em></h2>
  <p>The <em><em></em> tag is designed to <span class="highlight">emphasize</span> text, usually rendering it in italics to make important information stand out. For instance, <em>highlighted</em> and <em>emphasized</em> terms are visually distinct with this tag.</p>
  <h2>Highlighted Sections</h2>
  <p>Below, we use the <em><em></em> tag in highlighted boxes to emphasize certain key terms:</p>
  <div class="highlight">
      <p>This example demonstrates <em>emphasis</em> with a modern, clean design.</p>
  <div class="highlight">
      <p>Another <em>example</em> showing how <em>emphasis</em> can enhance readability.</p>
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body {
        font-family: 'Segoe UI', Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;
        background-color: #f4f6f9;
        color: #333;
        margin: 0;
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        background-color: #e9ecef;
        padding: 10px;
        border-left: 5px solid #007bff;
        border-radius: 6px;
        margin: 20px 0;
    .highlight em {
        font-style: italic;
        color: #007bff;
        font-weight: 600;

Global Attributes

accesskeySpecifies a shortcut key to activate or focus an element.
autocapitalizeControls whether and how text input is automatically capitalized.
classSpecifies one or more class names for the element, allowing CSS styling and JavaScript manipulation.
contenteditableSpecifies whether the content of an element is editable or not.
contextmenuSpecifies a context menu for the element.
dirDefines the text direction. Possible values are "ltr" (left-to-right), "rtl" (right-to-left), and "auto".
draggableSpecifies whether an element is draggable. Possible values are "true" or "false".
enterkeyhintSpecifies the action label or icon to be shown for the enter key on virtual keyboards.
hiddenIndicates that the element is not yet, or is no longer, relevant. The browser does not display elements that have the `hidden` attribute set.
idSpecifies a unique identifier for the element.
inputmodeProvides a hint to browsers for which virtual keyboard configuration to use when editing this element or its descendants.
isAllows you to specify the type of custom element.
langSpecifies the language of the element's content.
nonceA cryptographic nonce ("number used once") that can be used by Content Security Policy (CSP) to determine whether or not a given fetch will be allowed to proceed.
partSpecifies the element’s part in the shadow DOM.
slotAssigns a slot in a shadow DOM shadow tree.
spellcheckIndicates whether the element is subject to spell checking.
styleProvides inline CSS styling for the element.
tabindexSpecifies the tab order of the element.
titleAdds extra information about the element, displayed as a tooltip when hovering over the element.
translateSpecifies whether the content of the element should be translated. Possible values are "yes" or "no".
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